I believe that we all have the answers and capability to change within. I am trained in asking you the right questions to reflect on your current perception of life. I will ask specific questions that allow you to bypass your own blindspots and resistance in order to light the fire of transformation within. I will empower you to see your strengths as well as assess your liability in an objective fashion so the highest transformation can be possible. Deep down inside, we all know that we have greatness within. I am trained on getting you to access your own greatness: self-realization/self-actualization. You have the power and I am your guide!

Guiding you through...
Helping you define your goals and creating a road map to achieve them
I help free you from anxiety and depression
Relationships: moving on, being your best self, determining the right partner, how to release a toxic relationship
Thinking through regression work, goal setting, and transform-limited beliefs

Work With Me
